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- <text>
- <title>
- (72 Elect) George Wallace's Appointment in Laurel
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1972 Election
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- May 29, 1972
- George Wallace's Appointment in Laurel
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> The tableau seemed gruesomely familiar: the flags and
- fustian, the candidate plowing through crowds attended by hard-
- eyed men not quite in control, the people reaching out to touch
- him. Then, abruptly, the little black gun exploding like a
- birthday-party favor--pap pap pap pap pap in a smudge of
- gunsmoke. The candidate would capsize backward, the cameras
- would catch a wild, stricken frieze as his young wife knelt over
- him, staining her suit with his blood, and the bodyguards, an
- instant too late, would wrestle down some strange little drifter
- with a pistol welded to his hand.
- </p>
- <p> Except that this time the victim survived. There would be
- no lying in state, no funeral train, no mournful services for
- the nation to attend by television. Like Tom Sawyer at his own
- funeral, Alabama's George Corley Wallace could savor both
- obsequies and survival. The morning after the shooting last
- week in a Maryland shopping center, Wallace, half-paralyzed,
- could lie in his hospital bed and feistily ask an aide: "Whatja
- got me scheduled for today?" The next day he would read the news
- of his primary triumphs in Maryland and Michigan.
- </p>
- <p> If the attack was not fatal, it was a severe trauma--not
- only to Wallace but also to the nation's democratic process.
- Again, it raised the old questions of violence in America, of
- whether political candidates in a democracy dared to risk
- campaigning face to face with the people. The gunshots at
- Laurel, Md., also jarred the 1972 campaign into a new
- perspective. It seemed more certain now that Edward Kennedy
- would be out of consideration as a convention draft choice to
- break a deadlock between Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern.
- Anxiety about the infection of example led one official of the
- Democratic National Committee to comment: "After this, a Kennedy
- draft would be like asking a man to commit suicide."
- </p>
- <p> The shooting also ensured that George Wallace will now
- haunt the 1972 campaign in a new and unpredictable way. With a
- resilience that was almost Snopesian, Wallace accomplished
- martyrdom and resurrection in a matter of hours. His strong,
- ex-boxer's body took four or five .38-cal. slugs, one of which
- remained planted in his spinal canal. The attack endowed
- Wallace with a new kind of stature. Although his doctors gave
- him only a marginal chance of walking again, editorial writers
- were quick to recall that F.D.R. campaigned with his legs
- paralyzed.
- </p>
- <p> Popsicles. In any case, Wallace was determined to go on,
- and his followers across the nation were inspired by adversity.
- Fresh recruits hurried into his campaign offices to volunteer.
- With his victories in the Maryland and Michigan primaries, he
- could go to the Democratic Convention or send his ambassadors
- there--armed with some 400 delegate votes. What he might do
- with that strength is difficult to foretell.
- </p>
- <p> Wallace has always known what passions he aroused. From
- his earliest days as Governor of Alabama, standing in a
- schoolhouse door in 1963 to bar black students, or vowing
- "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,"
- he has deliberately chosen race hatred as his theme. After one
- unsuccessful contest in the 1950s, he promised: "I'll never be
- out-niggered again." Wallace has sometimes been haunted by the
- danger of assassination.
- </p>
- <p> He was worried about Maryland. "Somebody's going to get
- killed before this primary is over," he told a friend recently,
- "and I hope it's not me." In Hagerstown three weeks ago, young
- whites and blacks disrupted his speech to the point that police
- had to be called in. As Wallace left a rally the next week in
- Frederick, a brick hit him in the chest. That same day,
- University of Maryland students threw Popsicles at him.
- </p>
- <p> Last week, Wallace's final day of campaigning before the
- primary had not been going well. At the Wheaton shopping plaza
- north of Washington, tomatoes and eggs arced out of the crowd
- as Wallace spoke at a noontime rally. As his entourage rolled
- into the Laurel shopping center at 3:15 for another rally,
- Wallace knew that he was in unfriendly country.
- </p>
- <p> About 2,000 people had gathered on the parking lot in
- front of a specially erected stage. Everywhere were Maryland
- county police, Secret Service men and Wallace's own bodyguards.
- In place, as always, was Wallace's special, 600-lb. bulletproof
- podium, draped in red, white and blue.
- </p>
- <p> Country-and-western Singer Billy Grammer and his three
- sidemen were warming up the crowd with Gotta Travel On and
- Detroit City. Grammer zinged his electric guitar into sprightly
- Dixie, and there was Wallace, smiling, with his customary "Hi,
- folks!" It was an odd intersection of Southern neighborliness
- and danger--police gazes raking the crowd and Wallace all but
- lost behind his armor-plating.
- </p>
- <p> Wallace was not at his best that day. When he took out in
- his standard speech after those "pointy-headed intellectuals
- who can't park their bicycles straight," his voice cracked. Time
- and again he referred to "Princess George County"; Laurel is in
- Prince Georges County. From the rear, collegians laughed and
- shouted: "Go back to Alabama. You don't even know where you
- are."
- </p>
- <p> Wallace plunged on--against "social schemers" and
- "ultra-false liberals." After 50 minutes, he advised the folks
- to vote in the primary "to shake the eyeteeth of the Democratic
- Party. Let's give 'em the St. Vitus dance. And tell 'em a vote
- for George Wallace is a vote for the average citizen."
- </p>
- <p> Rapid Fire. The applause was thunderous. As Billy Grammer
- and his men plugged their instruments into amplifiers again,
- Wallace walked down the steps from the stage and decided to
- shake a few hands, as he often does after speeches. An aging
- woman near by, in Wallace blouse and Wallace hat, shouted
- groupie-fashion: "Over here, George, over here!" He took off his
- jacket and handed it to an aide, then moved to his left to work
- down a line of supporters behind a cordon. "Nice to see ya," he
- said. "Nice to see ya."
- </p>
- <p> Among the crowd, in opaque sunglasses and short, pale
- blond hair, was a 21-year-old from Milwaukee named Arthur
- Bremer. Almost a parody of the failed young loners from renter
- rooms who seem to end up assassinating American politicians,
- Bremer had apparently been stalking Wallace for weeks. Now, as
- Wallace moved easily through the crowd, Bremer suddenly thrust
- his arm through a ring of onlookers. In rapid fire, about 18
- inches from his target, he blasted five shots from his
- snub-nosed revolver. Even as he was shooting, security men
- jammed his arm downward and fell on him.
- </p>
- <p> Wallace flipped back onto the asphalt and lay there,
- conscious but stunned. Blood streamed from his right arm, and
- oozed through his shirt at the lower right ribs. Alabama State
- Trooper Captain E.C. Dothard, wounded in the stomach, fell in
- front of TIME Correspondent Joseph Kane. Near by, Secret
- Service Agent Nicholas Zarvos clutched a wound in his throat.
- Dora Thompson, a local Wallace worker slumped to the ground with
- a bullet in her right leg. Billy Grammer's rendition of Under
- the Double Eagle stopped in mid-bar. As a blanket of police
- smothered Bremer, there were shrieks and isolated cries of "Kill
- him! Kill him!"
- </p>
- <p> Though ashen from shock and loss of blood, Wallace never
- lost consciousness. After a seemingly interminable ten minutes,
- an ambulance arrived. Then it was 25 more minutes from Laurel
- to Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Md. Wallace spent much
- of the time consoling his terrified wife Cornelia.
- </p>
- <p> By nightfall, a team of Holy Cross surgeons were at work
- on Wallace. Four, perhaps all five of the bullets had struck
- him. Two apparently passed through his right arm and shoulder;
- another glanced off his left shoulder blade. One crashed through
- his abdomen, perforating his stomach and nicking his large
- intestine; it was removed.
- </p>
- <p> But the real problems came from a slug that entered the
- fluid-filled spinal canal and came to rest head downward
- opposite the first lumbar vertebra, just at the waist. At week's
- end the doctors still could not say whether the bullet severed
- all or part of the bundle of nerves that carries impulses from
- the lower body to the brain. But in any case, the effect could
- be devastating. The very impact of the bullet probably bruised
- the delicate nerve tissue severely, causing grave injury.
- Wallace reported no feeling in his legs; neither his bladder nor
- bowels were functioning voluntarily. Even after the bullet is
- removed, the doctors have only "slim hope" that Wallace will be
- able to walk without at least the aid of braces.
- </p>
- <p> News of the shooting flashed across the nation
- galvanically. From previous experience in such affairs, many
- Americans automatically assumed that Wallace would not survive.
- Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern instantly suspended
- campaigning. Humphrey, who had been electioneering in Baltimore,
- went immediately to the hospital to console Mrs. Wallace. "I
- don't know," he said disconsolately. "We didn't seem to learn
- anything four years ago." President Nixon dispatched
- Presidential Physician William Lukash to Holy Cross. He also
- ordered immediate Secret Service protection for Ted Kennedy as
- well as for Representatives Shirley Chisholm of New York and
- Wilbur Mills of Arkansas.
- </p>
- <p> Between Traumas. Immediately, the long-dormant issue of gun
- control came alive again, just as it had in 1968 after Bobby
- Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were shot down. As the
- Atlanta Constitution observed, it seemed lost on Wallace
- supporters that the issues of gun control and law-and-order were
- intertwined, not mutually exclusive principles. After Laurel,
- a Senate subcommittee on juvenile delinquency voted out a
- proposal that would allow the public sale of "Saturday night
- specials," cheap and ubiquitous pistols. But the bill will still
- meet tough opposition in the Judiciary Committee, which has not
- been sympathetic to gun control in the past, and on the Senate
- floor, where National Rifle Association lobbyists have
- consistently frustrated such legislation. Says Illinois
- Representative Abner Mikva: "In between traumas, nobody seems
- to care much."
- </p>
- <p> One of the first reactions to the Wallace attack was
- "Thank God it wasn't done by a black man." It is difficult to
- predict what racial vengeance that might have stirred. As it
- was, some blacks reacted to the news with satisfaction, or even
- bitter glee. A black Humphrey worker in Baltimore said after
- the shooting: "I'm celebrating tonight. As far as I'm concerned,
- that little cracker bastard was shot 52 years too late. If you
- live by disrespecting the law, you will die by it." Roy Innis,
- head of the Congress of Racial Equality, said: "You might say
- this was the chicken come home to roost. But that would be
- unkind." Most other blacks, however, remembering the
- assassinations of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., simply
- deplored more violence. Said the Rev. Jesse Jackson: "Killing
- can no longer be justified, whether it is in Vietnam or Maryland
- or Memphis."
- </p>
- <p> As a sheer political happening, the shooting of George
- Wallace was melodramatically timed. The very next morning, the
- voters of Michigan and Maryland went to the primary polls to
- give Wallace two of the most impressive victories of his career.
- In Maryland, Wallace took 39% of the vote, trailed by Humphrey
- with 27% and McGovern with 22%.
- </p>
- <p> In Michigan, the two major candidates had all but conceded
- the primary to Wallace. The busing issue was too hot. But the
- surprise was the extraordinary breadth of Wallace's victory. He
- came in with 51% of the vote, v. 27% for McGovern and a
- humiliating 16% for Humphrey.
- </p>
- <p> In a survey for TIME by the attitude research firm of
- Daniel Yankelovich, Inc., 66% of voters interviewed at the polls
- said that crime and violence was one of the primary issues of
- the campaign--which may have been in part a reflection of the
- Wallace shooting the afternoon before. The poll also disclosed
- that, as seemed to be the case in Maryland, there were few
- voters who switched to Wallace in sympathy over the shooting.
- Reports TIME Correspondent Gregory Wierzynski: "Interviews with
- Wallace voters left me with the impression that the man had
- grown into something much bigger than the regional candidate he
- was in Wisconsin. An impressive number of people expressed
- genuine admiration, almost reverence, for Wallace."
- </p>
- <p> Humphrey was the day's big loser. In two states where
- labor and blacks--his old allies--are important, he averaged
- a meager one-fifth of the vote. It was a bad omen as Humphrey
- looked forward to California on June 6. His coalition showed at
- least some signs of disintegration.
- </p>
- <p> Stand-Ins. Wallace's political future is unpredictable.
- Last week was certainly the crest of his ill-planned but
- impressive drive through the primaries. All through the spring,
- in fact, Wallace has had the air of a man astonished by his own
- successes; with his ramshackle organization, one basic,
- evangelical speech and paper buckets to take up the collection,
- his victories have left him wondering whether he should not have
- attempted more. There were no primary states left in which he
- had arranged extensive campaigns even before the shooting--although
- last week from his hospital room he ordered his men to
- go ahead with more rallies and TV ads in Rhode Island, Oregon
- and New Mexico. In California, local groups have organized a
- write-in campaign. Where public appearances are called for,
- Wallace's men are setting up a kind of speaker's bureau of
- stand-ins. Among the volunteers: former California
- Superintendent of Public Instruction Max Rafferty, now a dean
- at Alabama's Troy State University, and Georgia's Lieut.
- Governor Lester Maddox.
- </p>
- <p> It may be that Cornelia Wallace herself would make the
- perfect stand-in if George's convalescence will not permit him
- to get around. It would hardly be a novel solution for Wallace,
- who ran his first wife Lurleen for Governor of Alabama when he
- ran into a state constitutional snag about succeeding himself
- in 1966.
- </p>
- <p> It is possible that Wallace's week of pain and victory
- will recede into comparative political unimportance as the
- primary campaign swings into crucial two-man contests between
- Humphrey and McGovern next month in delegate-rich California and
- New York. McGovern's aides expect their candidate to win
- California, with its winner-take-all package of 271 delegates,
- and follow that with a big delegate harvest in New York.
- Expecting that enough uncommitted and Muskie delegates will join
- them then, McGovern's supporters hope to muster the required
- 1,509 delegates on the first ballot at Miami Beach. Says
- McGovern Adviser Mike Feldman: "He won't have to deal with
- Wallace at all."
- </p>
- <p> Humphrey's camp plans on roughly the reverse scenario. But
- a number of Democratic professionals can envision a situation
- in which McGovern and Humphrey each fetch up 300 or 400
- delegates short of the nomination. "In the absence of a
- first-ballot nomination for McGovern," says one Democratic
- official, "Wallace and his votes could be a major factor in
- determining what happens on the second ballot."
- </p>
- <p> But it is difficult to imagine what kind of accommodation
- either McGovern or Humphrey could make with George Wallace.
- Neither would bend very far to Wallace on civil rights. Some
- have suggested that one of them might somehow wind up with
- Wallace as a running mate, but even in a curious political year,
- the idea seemed farfetched. Yet according to one shrewd Southern
- observer, the vice presidency may be exactly what Wallace has
- in mind. Says South Carolinian Harry Dent, a political adviser
- to President Nixon: "He'd like to get a platform he can crow
- over. But he knows that platforms don't amount to much. He wants
- somebody to bend over him and say `Uncle.' He wants
- respectability. I think he sees visions of a vice-presidential
- nomination."
- </p>
- <p> Go Ahead. Very probably Wallace himself does not know what
- he will do. If he recuperates sufficiently to return to action,
- even from a wheelchair, he has other options. Most dramatically
- he could bolt form the party, run in the general election as an
- independent candidate, and try to throw the election into the
- House, where he might hope to strike a bargain in exchange for
- his support. He would cut into the Democrats' blue-collar
- strength in the North, yet he would also cost Richard Nixon
- crucial electoral votes in the South. Harry Dent claims that the
- Republicans would suffer more from a third-party Wallace
- candidacy, while Democratic National Chairman Lawrence O'Brien
- says that the Democrats stand to lose the most.
- </p>
- <p> Apart from affecting Wallace's prospects, the Laurel
- shooting raised depressing questions about the future of
- political campaigning in the U.S. Would candidates more and
- more retreat from crowds, withdrawing to armored podiums and
- television studios in fear that another Bremer or Sirhan or
- Oswald might be waiting? There seemed no sign of that for the
- present. Both George McGovern and Hubert Humphrey indicated
- last week that they would have to continue campaigning as
- before. Each candidate is now protected by squads of Secret
- Service men, at a cost of $200,000 a month for each detail, yet
- there seems ultimately no way of guaranteeing a public man's
- safety.
- </p>
- <p> The morning after Wallace was shot, President Nixon was
- walking outside the White House and deliberately plunged into
- a crowd of tourists. One man said pointedly: "It is good of you
- to come out in public, Mr. President." Another tourist stood
- beside Nixon and asked a friend to take their picture together.
- Without thinking, Nixon smiled and replied: "Go ahead and
- shoot."
- </p>
- <p>Cornelia: Determined to "Make Do"
- </p>
- <p> Her dark eyes misty but her soft voice carefully
- controlled, Cornelia Wallace courageously faced television
- cameras shortly after the shooting of her husband. She
- proclaimed his determination to recover: "He didn't earn the
- title of the `Fighting Little Judge' for nothing." She had
- passed the word that the Governor would continue to campaign "in
- a wheelchair if necessary," and that in the meantime she was
- willing to carry on for him on the campaign trail. Those who
- know Cornelia Wallace well are confident that her special blend
- of charm and toughness would make her a highly effective
- substitute.
- </p>
- <p> The political role would be a new one for Cornelia. Since
- their marriage 16 months ago, she has mainly preferred just to
- walk on with George, wave to the crowd and be there at day's
- end to provide what she has called "the emotional response" that
- he needs when he gets so "very lonely" while traveling.
- Cornelia, who is 33 (19 years younger than her husband), is
- smart, ambitious for both him and herself and experienced in the
- ways of politics. Although she sees herself more as "a Huck
- Finn" than "a Southern belle," her favorite fictional heroine
- is Scarlett O'Hara. "You saw what she did with that lumber
- company," Cornelia recently recalled. "When she had to, she took
- over that business and made a success of it. She made do for
- herself." In the face of her husband's probably permanent
- paralysis, Mrs. Wallace is determined to "make do" for him.
- </p>
- <p> Cornelia first met Wallace at a party in the Alabama
- Governor's mansion when her uncle James ("Kissin' Jim") Folsom
- was a party-loving Governor and she was only eight years old.
- "My two little cousins and I were peeping down the stairs in
- our nightgowns and the Wallaces saw us. They walked up the
- stairs and talked to us and held us." At the time, Wallace, a
- state legislator, was married to his first wife, Lurleen, who
- died of cancer in 1968 after succeeding him as Governor in the
- same mansion.
- </p>
- <p> A country girl actually raised in a log cabin in Elba,
- Ala. ("We used to go fishing for mud fish in the Pea River--that's
- what it was called"), Cornelia heard constant talk of
- politics from her twice-widowed mother, Ruby Folsom Ellis
- Austin, who served as official hostess for her brother before
- he remarried. [As colorful a character as her brother Jim, Ruby
- Folsom was seen by some as a possible competitor of her
- daughter's for Wallace's affections. "Shooot, honey," scoffed
- Ruby, who is nearly six feet tall, "He ain't even titty high."
- After she campaigned for George this year in Florida, some on
- the Wallace staff seemed to consider her an embarrassment, and
- she was miffed. "Ah'm scared they're gonna tell George ah was
- drinkin' too much and showin' my fanny," she told a Washington
- Post reporter.] Cornelia's father, Charles G. Ellis, a civil
- engineer, died in 1960. At Montgomery's Methodist Huntingdon
- College and Florida's Rollins College, Cornelia studied voice
- and piano. Then she slipped into what she calls "my little
- hillbilly jag." She sang and played guitar, toured Australia and
- Hawaii with Country Singer Roy Acuff, and wrote and performed
- two recorded songs for MGM: It's No Summer Love and Baby with
- the Barefoot Feet.
- </p>
- <p> Her tawny good looks and shapely legs (she is 5 ft. 6 in.,
- one inch shorter than George) carried her to the semifinals of
- a Miss Alabama contest before she became the star of the
- Cypress Gardens water ski show in Florida--and married John
- Snively III, a millionaire whose family at one time owned the
- Gardens. After seven years of marriage and two sons, Jim and
- Josh, the Snivelys were divorced in 1969.
- </p>
- <p> Although Wallace had beaten Folsom in a primary election
- for Governor in 1962, he still remained friends with Cornelia
- and her mother. About a year after Lurleen died, he began
- calling Cornelia and saying, "I think I'll just come over for
- a few minutes." To avoid publicity, the two at first dated only
- at her home or at little-known restaurants. She found him "very
- appealing and very physical," but also "very Victorian." He
- still "won't even say the word sexy," she notes, and he will not
- let her wear her skirts as short as she would like. But
- otherwise he lets her pursue such high-spirited diversions as
- driving the pace car for the Indianapolis 500 at 100 m.p.h. She
- has regretted not being able to see their children (Wallace has
- four) much while campaigning, but has told them: "Your father's
- work must come first. You've got to mold your life around his."
- </p>
- <p> Although Cornelia has never interfered with her husband's
- political operations, she seems tougher than his Governor-wife
- Lurleen. Learning that one of Wallace's aides was poor-mouthing
- his chances of becoming President, she braced the man,
- threatened to get him fired if he expressed such a sentiment
- again.
- </p>
- <p> When George failed to introduce her as the two met some
- guests at one political meeting, she turned to a group of
- reporters and snapped: "Does he think I'm a little doll he can
- drag around all day and then just pull a string when he wants
- to?" Yet such moods pass swiftly, and Cornelia seems totally
- devoted to George and his career. "God made woman for man as a
- companion," she contends. As two other Southern Governors noted
- privately last week, George Wallace has an excellent chance for
- political survival because his companion is Cornelia.
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>